If you are able to connect to your remote windows machine but out of a sudden you fail to connect to the remote machine, this is post is the solution for you. However if it has never been working all the while, you should google it and it probably due to the firewall configurations.
Basically what you want to do is to remote restart your windows machine. That’s it. This is the fastest way to solve this problem assuming it did work previously. Somehow I have experienced this few times myself and I have no idea what causes the failure.
To Remotely Restart Your Windows Machine, you need to open your command prompt and perform the following commands:
shutdown /r /f /m \\my-remote-host* /r is to shutdown and restart your PC. Without /r it is shutdown and you will never ever to wake him up again “remotely”.
* /f is to force to close any running applications. I’m not sure without this, it will be shutdown or restart probably. At first I tried without /f and it doesn’t work. So, I’m using to force to close any running application.
* /s m is to specify your windows host or you can put in the IP address (e.g. // Remember to put the “\\”.
* For more help just type “shutdown /?” in your command prompt.
Of course the drawback of this is you will lose any work in progress data in your remote windows machine. If you know exactly what causing remote desktop doesn’t work, you can try use “tasklist” and “taskkill” command to remote kill any process in the remote machine.
Example of the usage:
- tasklist /s my-remote-host
- taskkill /s my-remote-host /im outlook.exe